Drag Specialties 0401-0119 +6in. Custom Springer Forks - Black 海外 即決 [32496331]
販売価格: 137,950円(税込)
商品名 |
Drag Specialties 0401-0119 +6in.Custom Springer Forks - Black (Drag Specialties 0401-0119 +6in.Custom Springer Forks - Black) |
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商品説明 |
※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 |
Economical alternative to a shock dampened-type Springer. Fully assembled with an in-line top bracket without a built-in rake. These +6in.length Springers (37in. measured from top bearing to the axle). 1in. OD steering stem designed for Timken(R) type bearings. Both rear legs are threaded for right or left brakes. The 3/4in. OD axle kit includes a brake mount pivot with thrust washer and hub spacers (custom spacers may be required depending on the wheel used). Measures 9-1/4in.between Rockers. Riser mounts are on 4-3/4in. centers and threaded 1/2in.-20. Requires wheel compatible with 3/4in.OD axle.fits H-D FLH Electra Glide 1984-1985fits H-D FLHR Road King 1994-1999fits H-D FLHRCI Road King Classic 1998-1999fits H-D FLHRI Road King 1996-1997fits H-D FLHS Electra Glide Sport 1987-1993fits H-D FLHS Electra Glide Sport 1984fits H-D FLHT Electra Glide Standard 1995-1999fits H-D FLHT Electra Glide Standard 1986-1987fits H-D FLHTC Electra Glide Classic 1984-1999fits H-D FLHTCI Electra Glide Classic 1996-1999fits H-D FLHTCU Electra Glide Ultra Classic 1989-1997fits H-D FLHTCUI Electra Glide Ultra Classic 1995-1999fits H-D FLHX Electra Glide Special 1984-1985fits H-D FXD Dyna Super Glide 1995-1999fits H-D FXDB-D Dyna Glide Daytona 1992fits H-D FXDB-S Dyna Glide Sturgis 1991fits H-D FXDC Super Glide Custom 1992fits H-D FXDL Dyna Low Rider 1993-1999fits H-D FXDS-Conv Dyna Convertible 1994-1999fits H-D FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide 1993-1999fits H-D FXDX Dyna Super Glide Sport 1999fits H-D FXE Super Glide 1984fits H-D FXEF Fat Bob 1985fits H-D FXLR Low Rider Custom 1987-1994fits H-D FXR Super Glide II 1986-1994fits H-D FXR2 1999fits H-D FXR3 1999fits H-D FXRC Low Rider Chrome 1987fits H-D FXRC Low Rider Chrome 1985fits H-D FXRD Sport Glide Grand Touring 1986fits H-D FXRDG Disc Glide 1984fits H-D FXRS Low Glide 1984-1992fits H-D FXRS-Conv Low Rider Sport Convertible 1990-1993fits H-D FXRS-SP Low Rider Sport 1986-1993fits H-D FXRT Sport Glide 1984-1992fits H-D FXSB Low Rider - Belt 1984-1985fits H-D FXST Softail Standard 1999fits H-D FXST Softail Standard 1984-1990fits H-D FXSTB Night Train 1999fits H-D FXSTC Softail Custom 1986-1999fits H-D FXSTS Springer Softail 1988-1999fits H-D FXSTSB Bad Boy 1995-1997fits H-D FXWG Wide Glide 1984-1986*Freeto the contiguous United States consisting of the 48 adjoining U.S. states plus Washington, D.C., on the continent of North America.Freeis not available to non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii, US Protectorates, or APO, FPO or DPO locations.Photos are for reference only.Actual product may differ from the item shown in photograph. |
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