スマートバリュー カラーイベント名札 50枚 黄B362J-Y-50 4547345048572(40セット) [36307753]

スマートバリュー カラーイベント名札 50枚 黄B362J-Y-50 4547345048572(40セット) [36307753]

販売価格: 69,750(税込)

在庫数 12枚


Length and breadth combined use
It is the event name card of the color type of the outstanding performance by events. Please choose it among 2 size. I can deposit and withdraw it from the top. ●Hanging name card ● software ● pass case type ● color: The length of yellow ● string: The diameter of approximately 1m ● string: A number with approximately 2.5mm ● 1 pack: Paperless ● materials out of 50 pieces of ●: Name card case = table (polypropylene) back (nonwoven fabric) paper dimensions during loop string = nylon ● conformity: 98* vertical 104mm in width ※For dyeing a hue varies according to a product a little. ●JOINTEX original ● SMARTVALUE smart value
JAN: 4547345048572
◆Body weight (kg): 0.001 ◆ 個装幅 (mm): 143 ◆ 個装奥行 (mm): It is 240 ◆ 個装高 (mm): 380 ◆ 個装重量 (kg): 1.92

